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The fundamental theorem of algebra

--Kode Iklan--
The fundamental theorem of algebra

Descartes’s work was the start of the transformation of polynomials into an autonomous object of intrinsic mathematical interest. To a large extent, algebra became identified with the theory of polynomials. A clear notion of a polynomial equation, together with existing techniques for solving some of them, allowed coherent and systematic reformulations of many questions that had previously been dealt with in a haphazard fashion. High on the agenda remained the problem of finding general algebraic solutions for equations of degree higher than four. Closely related to this was the question of the kinds of numbers that should count as legitimate solutions, or roots, of equations. Attempts to deal with these two important problems forced mathematicians to realize the centrality of another pressing question, namely, the number of solutions for a given polynomial equation.

The answer to this question is given by the fundamental theorem of algebra, first suggested by the French-born mathematician Albert Girard in 1629, and which asserts that every polynomial with real number coefficients could be expressed as the product of linear and quadratic real number factors or, alternatively, that every polynomial equation of degree n with complex coefficients had n complex roots. For example, x3 + 2x2 − x − 2 can be decomposed into the quadratic factor x2 − 1 and the linear factor x + 2, that is, x3 + 2x2 − x − 2 = (x2-1)(x+2). The mathematical beauty of having n solutions for n-degree equations overcame most of the remaining reluctance to consider complex numbers as legitimate.

Although every single polynomial equation had been shown to satisfy the theorem, the essence of mathematics since the time of the ancient Greeks has been to establish universal principles. Therefore, leading mathematicians throughout the 18th century sought the honour of being the first to prove the theorem. The flaws in their proofs were generally related to the lack of rigorous foundations for polynomials and the various number systems. Indeed, the process of criticism and revision that accompanied successive attempts to formulate and prove some correct version of the theorem contributed to a deeper understanding of both.

The first complete proof of the theorem was given by the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss in his doctoral dissertation of 1799. Subsequently, Gauss provided three additional proofs. A remarkable feature of all these proofs was that they were based on methods and ideas from calculus and geometry, rather than algebra. The theorem was fundamental in that it established the most basic concept around which the discipline as a whole was built. The theorem was also fundamental from the historical point of view, since it contributed to the consolidation of the discipline, its main tools, and its main concepts.

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